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KIT im Rathaus (29.01.2020)

On January 29th 2020 Peter Knippertz gave a public presentation entitled "From the farmers' calendar to the supercomputer - the silent revolution in weather forecasting" (in German: "Vom Bauernkalender zum Supercomputer - Die stille Revolution der Wettervorhersage") in the town hall of Karlsruhe. The talk was part of the series "KIT im Rathaus", this time featuring KIT’s Centre for Climate and the Environment. The "Bürgersaal", where parliamentary debates usually take place, was filled almost to the last seat (~300 people). A lively discussion followed the presentation touching upon topics from local thunderstorm behavior to the current mistrust of scientists.

The video of the presentation is available here.

More information (in German) about the event can be found here.

The event has been featured in the newspaper "Die Rheinpfalz" on 7 Feb. 2020.

kit_rathaus_2020Peter Knippertz in the Karlsruhe city hall (Photo: Eva Walz)
