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Emulator Day at HITS (27.01.2020)

On January 27th 2020 the "Emulator Day" took place at HITS in Heidelberg. This event was an interdisciplinary meeting between the Astrophysik - Physics of Stellar Objects, the Molecular Biomechanics, and the Computational Statistics groups at HITS.

Tilmann Gneiting invited Corinna Hoose and Constanze Wellmann to give a presentation about the use of emulators in cloud physics. Corinna Hoose opened the event with a lecture at the HITS colloquium on the simulation of deep convective clouds. You can view the video of the lecture here. In the afternoon, Constanze Wellmann and Tilmann Gneiting among other participants presented their work. Informal discussions finally took place in small groups.

The program of the event and the abstract of the presentations are available here.

tg_ch_hits2020Tilmann Gneiting and Corinna Hoose (Photo: HITS)
